Saturday, December 28, 2019
Short Essay On Social Networking - 1555 Words
If you follow the steps given in this post, I can guarantee that 77% of you will boost your traffic from your posting schedule on social media by 192%! Pumped about this yet? Well, there is more! Of those who choose to follow these steps, traffic will increase for 40% of you by 268%; and 483% traffic increase for 37% of you. This is the proof that this posting formula works. This is the example of the success you can achieve after one week of applying this social media posting schedule just to Twitter. Honestly, youââ¬â¢ll get even more traffic from each social network using the process you can learn in this article. Content is usually only shared on social media about 1-3 times by 77% of you. 40% of people only share 2-3 times on socialâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Now, here is exactly how you will grab traffic in your social media posting schedule: For every blog post you write, create 25-30 headlines to use for social shares. Upworthy is known for using this technique, and theyââ¬â¢ve found that the more you write, the better they get. Even though Upworthy may only write 25 headlines, you can write 30 titles to the better. The titles with the most shares on social media are How To, Questions and List Posts. The more shares you get, the more click throughââ¬â¢s you get. Write 10 headlines for each of these most shared headline types, and choose the best of each type for an A/B/C test. If this sounds a bit tricky at first, here are 10 templates to help you get started: How To 1. How To Start _____ That Will Help You _____ 2. How To Improve _____ So Youââ¬â¢ll Feel Like A _____ 3. How To Grow _____ To Be A Successful _____ 4. How To Increase _____ When You _____ 5. How To Boost _____ With A _____ 6. How To _____ For The _____ 7. How To Make A _____ In A _____ 8. How To Create The Best _____ In The World 9. How To Run A Successful _____ To _____ 10. How To Do Outstanding _____ On A ______ Question 1. When Is The Best Time To _____? 2. How Do You _____ When You _____? 3. Will _____ Help You _____? 4. Why Is _____ Better Than _____? 5. What Can _____ Teach You About _____? 6. Where Is The Best _____ To _____? 7. How Can You _____ To _____? 8. How Will _____ Make Your _____ More Successful? 9. Is _____?Show MoreRelatedThe New World Of Networked Individualism Essay1610 Words à |à 7 PagesIntroduction This essay will follow the idea of the new world of Networked individualism. Barry Wellman has created this term in which the idea of communications has changed between people as seeking these connections have expanded outside of immediate families and friends to larger extended groups from many different places not just from different cities or countries but across the globe. Rainie and Wellman (2012 p.11) state that people have been able to reach out beyond their small social circle and tightRead MoreThe Dangers Of Social Network964 Words à |à 4 PagesSocial network is an important invention in the world. Also, it is necessary for humanââ¬â¢s daily life. The social network improve the peopleââ¬â¢s relationship, make people closer with their friends or family. There are more than millions of user using social network per day, and browsing the websites. For example, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or Instagram (Top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites 2014). They a re the most popular social networking sites in 2014. The users can share their lifeRead More ââ¬Å"Is technology tearing apart family life? Essay1622 Words à |à 7 Pagesââ¬Å"Is technology tearing apart family life? Text messaging, social networking, and online video are changing the way parents and children see the worldââ¬âand each other.â⬠There are many technologies in todayââ¬â¢s ââ¬Ësmartââ¬â¢ world which are now being established not just as a want, but as a necessity of life. Among many technologies that can impact family life, Smartphones and computers are the two most crucial technologies that can impact family life. The functions of computers and SmartphonesRead MoreIs Technology Always Beneficial?1561 Words à |à 7 PagesTechnology Always Beneficial? Thinking back to my grade ten English class, I cannot help but remember the time my teacher read my friendââ¬â¢s essay aloud. The whole essay sounded great, it had a strong argument and used exemplary grammar, until I heard the word ââ¬ËLOLââ¬â¢. The entire room burst out laughing, knowing perfectly well that using informal slang in a formal essay is inappropriate. What does this improper use of slang show us? 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Thursday, December 26, 2019
All About the French Regular Verb Passer (to Pass)
Passer (to pass) is a very common and useful regular -er verb, by far the largest group of verbs in the French language. It may be used as a transitive verb that takes a direct object or an intransitive verb, and in doing so, itsà compound tensesà are conjugated with eitherà avoirà orà à ªtre. Intransitive Passerà à ªtre With no direct object, passer means to pass and requires à ªtre in the compound tenses: Le train va passer dans cinq minutes. à The train is going to pass / go past in five minutes.Nous sommes passà ©s devant la porte à midi. à We passed by the door at noon When followed by an infinitive, passer means to go / come to do something: Je vais passer te voir demain. à Ill come (by to) see you tomorrow.Pouvez-vous passer acheter du painà ? à Can you go buy some bread? Transitive Passer Avoir When passer is transitive and has a direct object, it means to pass, to cross, to go through, and it requires avoir as the auxiliary verbà in the compound tenses. On doit passer la rivià ¨re avant le coucher du soleil.à We need to cross the river before sunset.Il a dà ©jà passà © la porte. à He has already gone through the door. Passer is also used transitively with a period of time to mean to spend: Nous allons passer deux semaines en France. à Were going to spend two weeks in FranceJai passà © trois mois sur ce livre. à à I spent 3 months on that book Transitive versus Intransitive While the meanings are nearly the same, the difference is in the object (the noun following the verb). If there is no object, or if a preposition separates the verb and object, the verb is intransitive, as in Je suis passà © devant la porte. If theres no preposition, as in Jai passà © la porte, its transitive. Se Passer The pronominal se passer most often means to take place, to happen, or, in reference to time, to go by. Quest-ce qui se passeà ? à Whats going on?Tout sest bien passà ©. à Everything went smoothly.Deux jours se sont passà ©s. à Two days went by. Expressions With Passer Withà idiomatic expressionsà using the French verbà passer, you can butter someone up,à handcuff someone, kick the bucket, and more. passer à clothingà à to slip on/intopasser à infinitiveà à to go do somethingpasser à la douane à to go through customspasser à la radio/tà ©là © à to be on the radio/TVpasser à lheure dà ©tà ©Ã à to turn the clocks foward, begin daylight saving timepasser à lheure dhiverà à to turn the clocks back, end daylight saving timepasser à pas lents à to pass slowlypasser de bons moments à to have a good timepasser de bouche en bouche à to be rumored aboutpasser des faux billets à to pass forged moneypasser devant Monsieur le maire à to get marriedpasser du coq à là ¢neà à to change the subject, make a non sequiturpasser en courant à to run pastpasser en revue à to list; to go over in ones mind, go throughà (figurative)à passer (en) à ordinal numberà à to put in ___ gearpasser là ¢ge de à to be too old forpasser larme à gaucheà (familiar)à à to kick the bucketpasser la journà ©e/soirà ©e à to spend the day/eveningpasser la main dans le dos à quelquun à to butter someone uppasser la tà ªte à la porte à to poke ones head around the doorpasser le cap à to get past the worst, turn the corner, get over the hurdlepasser le cap des 40 ans à to turn 40passer le poteau à to cross the finish linepasser les bornes à to go too farpasser les menottes à quelquun à to handcuff someonepasser par à to go through (an experience or intermediary)passer par de dures à ©preuves à to go through some rough timespasser par toutes les couleurs de larc-en-ciel à to blush to the roots of ones hair, to turn pale (from fear)passer par luniversità © à to go through collegepasser pour à to take for, be taken forpasser quelque chose à quelquun à to pass/hand something to someonepasser quelque chose aux/par profits et pertes à to write something off (as a loss)passer quelque chose en fraude à to smuggle somethingpasser quelque chose sous silence à to pass something o ver in silencepasser quelquun à tabac à to beat someone uppasser quelquun par les armes à to shoot someone by firing squadpasser sa colà ¨re sur quelquun à to take out ones anger on someonepasser sa mauvaise humeur sur quelquun à to take out ones bad mood on someonepasser sa vie à faire à to spend ones life doing Conjugations You can see all the tensesà of passer, both simple and compound,à conjugated elsewhere. For now, below is the present tense to illustrate that passer hews exactly to regular -er conjugation endings.à Present tense: je passetuà passesil passenousà passonsvousà passezilsà passent
Friday, December 20, 2019
How Should Mark A Book - 1464 Words
ââ¬Å"How to Mark a Bookâ⬠by Mortimer Adler is an essay about how one should mark a book in order to actively engage in the act of reading. The essay describes the benefits of writing in books and how writing in books benefits the reader. Many interesting points are argued in this essay about why one should mark a book; however, some of the points mentioned are not entirely true. Even though marking in a book has proven to help a reader actively engage, that is not always the case. Adlerââ¬â¢s essay is directed towards a specific reader, the scholarly reader, and ignores the multitude of reading styles and needs, which is biased. Adler used many metaphors in his essay to describe various points, such as owning a book. According to Adler, untilâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Also, Adler pointed out that it is better to spend time with a book for thousands of hours, rather than magazines for thousands of hours. Adler ended the essay by saying that one should never lend books to their friends because they will be confused and also because one should never share their thoughts on a book with someone else. Adler ignores the reader who may be too poor to afford to buy books and needs to use a public library. The people who go to the public library are not allowed to write in the books that they check out. Adler, does address that if one cannot write in a book, then one should either write on a paper or post-its. Adler does not go into details much about what people should do if they cannot write into book too much, and only states: ââ¬Å"You shouldnââ¬â¢t mark up a book which isnââ¬â¢t yours.â⬠Adler states that if one does now own the book, then they should not mark in the book. Books that are given by outside sources should not be marked on because the outside sources most likely expect one to return the book to them in the same condition that it was given to the reader in. Adler compares writing in a book given from an outside source to Paradise Lost. He writes, ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢d no more scribble over a first edition of Paradise Lost than Iââ¬â¢d give my baby a set of crayons and an original Rembrandt!â⬠(Wake Tech 32). Adler compares writing in a book that does not belong to the reader with an original copy of Paradise Lost
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Importance Of Being A Role Model - 1645 Words
Being a Role model Role modeling can serve as a way to reinforce desired behaviour in the role model as well as encourage others to emulate them. The Employee s look up to Leaders who display constant standard of work performance identifying as 1. Desirable, Being desired can mean a number of thingââ¬â¢s from how you apply to your work etc 2. Superior to their own, you show superior skills to theirs etc 3. Being constantly applied, being consistent in what you do etc 4. Congruent with the organizations values and desired behavior, doing whatââ¬â¢s expected of you etc You need to be aware of whatââ¬â¢s happening around you and constantly demonstrate personal qualities of leadership they are Inspiring people in the organization to act ethically and with integrity Leaders need to demonstrate what should be done and how it should be done to achieve these organizational objectives to provide in terms of financial success also in terms of acceptance within the current society, It Makes staff feel that they are valued and properly supported and will aid staff in developing career pathways And in making active contributions to organisational success. Being a leader will inspire and inspire other people to act as a responsible positive role model and by doing so they ensure that individuals derive job satisfaction and the organisational benefits from the skills and Knowledge of its diverse employees. Traits of effective leadership and Development Danny Cox, 2002. Leadership When the Heat sShow MoreRelatedMango Street Role Model774 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Role of Role Models in The House on Mango Street The term role model may evoke images of superheroes, celebrities, or famous athletes. Positive role models are needed to give humans some type of direction in life, but what about a negative role model? A negative role model can be just as helpful as a so-called ââ¬Å"positiveâ⬠role model. It can be useful to look at an unpropitious person and use him or her as an example of what you do not want to become. The House on Mango Street, writtenRead MoreThe Role Of Gender Challenging Role Models1710 Words à |à 7 PagesThe use of gender challenging role models in the classroom is a method I am going to use during my final professional practice and during my year as a Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT). 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A review of published studies of Patient-Focused Redesign (PFR) suggests that models differ across institutions and that findings are preliminary and measureRead MoreDichotomy between Stakeholders and Management1425 Words à |à 6 Pagesentire operation. This paper will examine the nature of both roles, how they often are in conflict and discuss the corporate ethics of this relationship. For a student of business organization, understanding how varying elements of a company resolve their issues is critical and can serve as a lesson that can be applied in other endeavors. There is a Chinese proverb that a fish rots from the head. This statement underlies the importance of leadership in any organized activity. In understanding theRead MoreEssay on Diversity in Education1208 Words à |à 5 PagesAmerican students, ethnic-minority Deaf students have different needs that require accommodations in the types of instruction methods from teachers. Because of the diversity within the Deaf community, it is important to stress on the importance of ethnic-minority role models for deaf college students, the academic preparedness of ethnic-minority deaf students, the deaf studentsââ¬â¢ level of comfort on campus, and the success of institutional efforts to increase awareness of the influence of the educationalRead MoreHuman Resources And Human Resource Development1600 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe organizations is not always received well by most of the employees working in the organization (Poole Van, 2004). As such, this paper will look at some of the best entr y points for organizational change, a summary of the similarities of the models used in carrying out he change process and reasons why implementing change is difficult. The paper will also address of the main reasons why people are resistant to change as well as the proper means of overcoming these obstacles. Reasons why thoseRead MoreVygotsky And A Maori Model1658 Words à |à 7 PagesCognitive development theory, by Lev Vygotsky and a Maori model, by Mason Durie. This essay will examine these theories in depth and explore how they can be used in social work practice. Vygotskyââ¬â¢s development theory, is a theory that focuses on the individual and the individualââ¬â¢s social influences (Crawford Walker, 2003). Vygotskyââ¬â¢s cognitive theory, is a theory based on how a child impacts their own development. Other people play a role of importance in a childââ¬â¢s development and that a childââ¬â¢s learning
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Big Data for Locality Sensitive
Question: Discuss about theBig Datafor Locality Sensitive Family. Answer: The Locality sensitive functions and its techniques are combined with the banding techniques in order to distinguish the pairs at low distance from the pairs of high distance. In this perspective, the steepness of S-curve gives a reflection on the process of avoiding the false positives as well as false negatives among the pair of candidates. It is required to explore the families of functions besides min-hash function. It serves to generate the pairs of candidate efficiently. The functions can be applied to space of the sets as well as Jaccard distance. There are three conditions, which are required to develop functions and distance measure. There are conditions of family functions that can be described as followed. It is required to make the close pairs for the candidate compared to the distant pairs. It is required to make the notion prcised. In addition, statistically independent in the sense is possible for estimating that there are more than two functions give a specific response by the products rule for independent events. In addition, it is important to detect the pairs of candidate in the time less than capability. It is combinable to develop such function, which are better for avoiding the false positives as well as negatives. The combined functions are required to take time less than the pairs. It is required to satisfy the technique for banding in single min-hash functions. On the other hand, locality sensitive functions need to consider that there are two items as well as rendering decision regarding the items that are required for pair of candidate. A collection of functions is called family of functions. For an instance, the family of min-hash functions are based on the possible pe rmutations of rows of the characteristics matrix from the family. Hence, locality sensitive families for Jaccard Distance are required to be considered while amplifying locality sensitive family. The process of constructing locality-sensitive families is important in the cosine distance as well as normal Euclidean distance. It is simple to develop locality sensitive family of the functions for Haming distance. Random hyperplanes as well as cosine distance are important to be considered. The cosine distance between the vectors is the angle between vectors. Hence, it is required to consider the vector as normal to hyperplane and then projection can be represented through dashed line. On contrary, randomly selected vector can be normal to the hyperplane such as dotted line. The probability for selecting the vector is r dashed in the dotted line. Therefore, the hyperline will be dotted dashed line. Instead of selecting the random vector from the possible vectors, it turns out sufficiently whether restricting the choice to the vectors and the elements are +1 and -1. In developing locality, it is important to consider the process for the functions. The techniques used in the family of has functions are required to develop and described as Euclidean spaces. There are points in the space for developing the locality sensitive families for any pair of the distances. On the other hand, it is required to derive the functions in bucket size in the partitions of life. The hash functions are required to protect the line. Hence, concluding the family F is explained as sensitive family of hash families and there are distances fall in the same bucket. Thus, amplifying the different examples of the locality-sensitive hash functions are achieved in this process. The techniques of amplification are adjusted with the probabilities in order to surround particular value. The probabilities of the hash functions need to use F function. Hence, it is required to formulate the functions properly to get appropriate result.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Past imperfect Essay Example For Students
Past imperfect Essay The 1960s are not dead, at least not for some holdouts in Maubeuge, a small town two hours out of Paris. There on a cold weekend last April, numerous international theatre folk celebrated the momentous decade by eating a sumptuous five-hour meal while reminiscing about the past. The feast was sponsored by the Maubeuge International Festival, run by a 33-year-old French entrepreneur named Didier Fusillier. So devoted to new and experimental performance is Fusillier that he invited the leading American movers and shakers of the theatre of the 1960s (as well as a couple of hundred others) to dine with him over a weekend. Among the guests were La Mama herself, Ellen Stewart; Judith Malina and husband Hanon Resnikov, representing the new Living Theater; Joseph Chaikin and Jean-Claude van Itallie of the Open Theater; and the ever-acerbic writer and designer Richard Foreman. French theatre scholar Philippa Wehle, who had a hand in organizing the event, was the only other American besides my self there to observe, to wonder and to criticize. Apparently Fusillier had enough money to lure to Maubeuge not only these Americans but the French and foreign press, festival producers and European theatre managers as well. How was this possible when just that week France had lost its main arts support on the assumption that too much money was spent for too little and that Socialists had their hands in the till? According to Fusillier, the towns officials paid for the whole event themselves, and not the State. Besides, everything was planned before the national election. So the feast began on Saturday afternoon with hors doeuvres of caviar, pate, smoked salmon, wine and champagne. In a banquet hall with long tables set for more than 200, our host and others asked us to react (between courses) to the glorious 60s, their meaning and influence, their benefits and blunders. One speaker noted that the avant-garde got its start in France and influenced the French theatre; another spoke with sorrow of the passing of the socialists and their ousted minister of culture Jack Lang, who gave the avant-garde its first chance during the heyday of the Nancy Festivals of the 50s and 60s. Those were the days, the speakers continued, days of a new Renaissance, an era that could no longer be approximatedor could it? The first to venture an answer to the open-ended question was Judith Malina. Older, but feisty and radical as ever, Malina remembered revolutionary times as fun. But because of the legend of the Living Theatre, we are having our difficulties today, she said. We have to stop mythologizing the past; it is a detriment to the future. We must change things and live in the stream of history. However, none of the reasons for the revolution have disappeared; there is still war, hunger and the homeless. It is not popular to discuss anything political now except aesthetics, she went on. But in the 60s we knew what we wanted to say. Now they have beautiful forms, but what have they to say? Is anyone making plays about Somalia, or about the homeless? What can be done today in theatre that relates to our lives? Characteristically mischievous, Jean-Claude van Itallie evaded that question with a song in French: None of This Is Worth the Full Moon over Maubeuge, he warbled. Then in a sober, modulated tone, he credited as a welcome point of view the 60s reaction against rigid ideas and worn-out conventions. But he maintained, in contrast to Malina, that theatre could not be political unless it was first personal: We have to ask why we are creating theatre. .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11 , .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11 .postImageUrl , .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11 , .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11:hover , .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11:visited , .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11:active { border:0!important; } .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11:active , .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11 .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue3bce2d5124bca522d22516ff2cafd11:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Wintergreen for precedent EssayEllen Stewart had no doubts about why she did so: not to put forth any political ideasnever, never, she saidbut to bring people together. I have never known anything about politics. I am only interested in the human being, and my greatest pleasure is seeing the human being doing something he wants to do. La Mama is dedicated to all aspects of creating beauty with our fellow man. The introspective Richard Foreman was brief He claimed that since he is not comfortable in the world he has chosen to do private, idiosyncratic theatre, even though his work may be too difficult for the average audience to understand. Later he told me that he disliked much of the theatre of the 60s and had been invited to Maubeuge for purposes he didnt understand. Perhaps it was because Fusillier recently commissioned him to direct an opera for the Maubeuge Festival. The speeches went on all afternoon and so did the food. By 5:30, most people were still eating but few were listening to the speakers any more. After all, we were in France, where eating takes precedence over everything. Fusillier, a low-key, affable man with a doctorate in philosophy who runs the Maubeuge complex of five theatres and produces 120 shows a year on a budget of about $3 million, was happy with the outcome of the weekend. He has recently added the directorship of a theatre not far from Paris to his roster of undertakings, and just returned from a whirlwind tour of New York and other cities in search of adventurous work to import. What he could not do, even with the resources at his disposal, was to recreate the genuine flavor of the 60s. Still, most agreed that the era did have a profound effect on theatre. And, whether one looks at the past as mythology or with nostalgic longing, it was remarkable that theatrical history was recognized and celebrated in a little town in France with such unusual hospitality.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Business Plan of the Sydney of Art Gallery Hotel
Question: Describe about the Business plan of the Sydney of art gallery hotel? Answer: An introduction: In Sydney there is one art gallery hotel which provides value for money services for the tourists. The issue here is that the hotel is small and the business operation is also not so organized. Therefore the business plan of art gallery hotel, Sydney consists of the following features. To improve the business operation increasing efficiency and bringing more professionalism in work. To make efforts to increase size if possible. To attract more customers. To apply changes in the management system so that the business grow and prosper. Business premises The business premises are located near the popular area where all the tourist attractions are located. This way the hotel has to offer a view of the rich cultural background in Sydney, Australia. The tourist therefore has easy access to the favorite tourist spots along with the local cultural and art events that are an attractive feature of the Sydney area. In Sydney there is only one art gallery hotel exists. However, the main problem with the hotel is that it is small and the entire management is not so much organized. The main purpose of the research will be to identify whether establishing an organized art gallery hotel in Sydney will be very much feasible or not. The market Market includes the customers who avail the benefit of the facility and services offered by the hotel. The business actually tries to identify the potential customers who are interested and in need of the service. This way the efforts are made to attract those potential customers through display of services and addition of schemes so that the value for money can be realized by the customer later on. Target market The target market for Art Gallery Hotel includes tourists who come to the place for sightseeing. These people stay in hotel for few days and view the surroundings of Sydney which they are tempted with. The target market for Art Gallery Hotel includes the followings. 1. National customers who come from distant places within Australia to view the beauty of Sydney. These people include the art loving people who prefer sight-seeing of local attractions like museums, monuments and old buildings in Sydney. 2. International customers who come from United States of America, United Kingdom and various other Asian countries to view the rich cultural heritage of Australia. These include people who are tempted towards sight-seeing of old monuments as well as new modern structures around the world. Sydney therefore meets both the requirements and offers them a convincing and realizing stay. Marketing strategy The marketing strategy includes the efforts made by the company to attract the target market potential customers. These potential customers can appreciate sales after the application of well-planned marketing strategy. These way efforts are made to achieve the sustainable competitive advantage for the company so that it grows and prosper in future. Art gallery hotel needs to follow a proper marketing strategy policy to attract the customers which includes the steps that are required to be followed. Understanding the requirements of the customers. At this stage the customer requirement is required to be identified and recognized by Art Gallery management so that the required changes are brought within an organization and the marketing strategy therefore can concentrate on bringing those improvements and displaying them to the customer through advertisements. Analyzing market conditions. The market conditions needs to be analyzed so that the appropriate marketing strategy can be framed out. The market conditions at present is not so business supportive. After the slowdown of 2008, people are less with lesser disposable incomes which has affected their abilities to spend more on leisure. Therefore the Art Gallery Hotel should offer plans which are cost effective and proves value for money. Analyzing competitors and competition. The competitors acts and marketing strategy that adds to the competition requires to be analyzed well in advance. This will help in framing schemes and promotional program initiated by Art Gallery Hotel proves cutting edge advantage for the potential customers who can compare its features with other hotels. Research distribution Proper research is required to be made by the management of the Art Gallery Hotel so that the data mining and data analysis is done on the reliable data inputs that are relevant to the research. Also the research will be made to bring legal applications in the hotel set up which includes the followings. Registering of the business name. Registering for Australian Business Number or ABN. Registering for Tax File Number or TFN. Register for Pay As you Go Or PAYG Register for Goods and Services Tax or GST. Register for Payroll tax. Register for Fringe Benefit Tax or FBT. (AustralianGovernment, 2015) Defining the marketing mix The defining of marketing mix like product, promotion, place, price etc should be done with a view to keep the customer as a central point so that they can be tempted towards the purchase of hotel facilities and services. Making financial analysis The financial analysis will help in estimating the amount that is required to be spent so that the desired outcome is achieved. This way the changes required can be applied and efforts can be made to achieve customer satisfaction. Framing a marketing strategy At this stage the most desirable marketing strategy is identified which meets the requirements of the business and discontinues the effects of various financial and time constraints. Reviewing the marketing strategy The marketing strategy framed out needs to review at regular intervals so that the drawbacks can be removed and the effectiveness of the marketing strategy can be increased through changes as per the requirements. The marketing strategies can be depicted as follows. Environmental/industry analysis The environment or industry analysis can be done using the Porters five force model which takes into consideration various aspects which are depicted as below. Industry rivalry. Art Gallery Hotel can make industry analysis by identifying the industry rivalry. That is recognizing the other hotels in the area along with their offers and schemes so that the level of competition and the identification of competitors can both be made. Buyer power. The buyer power includes the ability of the customer to bargain. Therefore the buyer power in the area that are looking for hotel lodging facility and related services needs to be identified so that the pricing and service offers are made accordingly to meet the demands of the customers. The buyer power is higher in this case as the customers have a lot more options to select in hotels in Sydney area. Seller power. The seller power includes the ability to fix price and place the service options to the customers. The seller power of Art Gallery Hotel is lesser as the place is small and the management is also not well organized. Threat of substitutes. The threat of substitutes always remains for Art Gallery Hotel in Sydney because there are various other big size hotels and lounges which offer similar services. This way the service of Art Gallery Hotel can easily be threatened with the substitutes offering similar services. Threat of entrants. The new entrants includes new hotel set up that are actually increasing in the Sydney area. This has resulted in increasing threat to the business of the company which requires immediate reformation for existence and sustenance. Customers The customers of the Art Gallery hotel are actually tourists who are either domestic or international. These tourists mostly constitute the art lovers who come to the city for sight-seeing the monuments, sculpture, old building and relive the cultural heritage of Australia. These customers range from young to old as there is no limit or age for art loving and moving around. Also the customers from different background, religion and countries come to Sydney to view its beauty and cultural heritage. (Porter, 2008) Customer demographics The customer demographics for Art Gallery Hotel include the followings. 1. The tourists coming to Sydney includes middle aged people who are followed by children and other family members. 2. The age range for the people coming in Sydney and staying at Art Gallery hotel ranges between 5 years to 65 years. This way there is no age factor that affects the tourist from coming to Sydney. 3. Mostly the married people come to Sydney with a view to give their families a good time at the cultural rich place. 4. There is no gender factor that affects the tourism coming to Art Gallery Hotel for sight-seeing in Sydney. Key customer The Key customers of the Art Gallery Hotel are mostly those people who are in search of value for money These people are mostly low to middle class people who wants to save money while touring to different places The key customers therefore are cost saving people who wants to safeguard their financial status while travelling by buying services of cost effective hotels(Ballou, 2007). Customer management The customer management can be achieved by Art Gallery hotel by providing the customers with the quality of service. Also the support to the customer during stay with the effective management can help the customer achieve satisfaction from their stay. This way the sales of the hotel can increase and more customers can be attracted. SWOT analysis SWOT analysis can help the Art Gallery Hotel in realizing their abilities and recognizing their inefficiencies so that they could take steps towards improvements. This can be discussed as follows. Strength Art Gallery hotel follows cost effective operation. The hotel is small in size therefore making it easier to handle through limited employees. Weakness The management of the hotel is not effectively working to meet up to the expectations of the customers. Hotel is not managed properly by its staff members. Opportunity It is a cost effective hotel service. It is present in the popular market place. It offers value for money. Threats A number of other well managed hotels are also present in the same area. The hotel lacks effective care and management as compared to other hotels. (Armstrong, 2006) Promotion and advertising Promotion and advertising are methods that could help in attracting potential customers towards the hotel. Art Gallery Hotel can use various promotional and advertising techniques to attract customers which includes the followings Offering heavy discounts through online booking. Offering discount coupons and vouchers to the customers looking for stay in Sydney area. Offering additional benefits along with the stay package. Advertising hotel name and its value services on the favorite television channels and even after favorite show or game. Hoardings of interiors and value added services on roads to convey the customers about the hotel management and services. (Acharyulu Shekhar, 2012) Risk management Art Gallery Hotel can use the risk management technique to identify and assess the level of risk to the business. This way prioritizing the risks that may cost high to the business can be done. The risk prioritizing for Art Gallery Hotel can be done as follows in the form of high to low risk. High to low risk priority: Competitor hotels in the area. Rising cost of management. Increasing customer expectations. Offering value for money through value added services by other hotels. Decreasing profit margins due to low tourist movement in the area. (Abiodun, 2009) Key personnel The key personnel that can bring the required change is the higher management of the hotel who can apply the required applications and changes in the hotel management so that the effective outcome is finally achieved. Current staff The current staff will be trained and if required new staff members will be added to appreciate the services provided by the hotel. Service The hotel staying service can be supported with food offering facility by adding breakfast, lunch and dinner. Capital need for start up The capital need for startup of the change process is nearly .25 million so that the estimated changes can be brought and the desired outcome is finally achieved. Bibliography Abiodun, E.J.A., 2009. Human Resources management, an overview. 110-121: Concept Publication. Acharyulu, G.V.R.K. Shekhar, B.R., 2012. Role of Value Chain Strategy in Healthcare Supply Chain Management: An Empirical Study in India. International Journal of Management., 29(1), pp.93-94. Adriana, B., 2009. Environmental Supply Chain Management in Tourism: The Case of large tour operators. Journal of Cleaner Production., 17, pp.1385-92. Armstrong, M., 2006. A handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (10th edition). London: Kogan Page. AustralianGovernment, 2015. Business. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 February 2015]. Ballou, R.H., 2007. The evaluation and future of logistics and supply chain management. European Business Review, 19(4), pp.332-48. Benn, S. Martin, A., 2010. Learning and Change for Sustainability Reconsidered: A Role for Boundary Objects. Academy of Management, Learning and Education, 9(3), pp.397-412. Brigham, E. Ehrhardt, M., 2013. Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Cengage Learning. McAfee, A., 2002. The impact of enterprise information technology adoption on operational performance: an empirical investigation. Production and Operations Management., 11(1), pp.33-53. Oribabor, P.E., 2009. Human Resource Management: A Strategic Approval. Human Resource Management, pp.9(4): 21-24. Porter, M.E., 2008. The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy. Harvard business Review.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Utilitarian Analysis and Stakeholder Analysis
Introduction Utilitarianism deals with the need to give an answer to what is right that a man has to do. According to utilitarianism, an act ought to the best consequences possible. At the core of utilitarianism is the question of morality especially from a religious point of view.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Utilitarian Analysis and Stakeholder Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On that note utilitarianism beliefs argue that morality is not about pleasing God rather itââ¬â¢s about doing what makes one happy so long as the action does not have negative consequences on the rest of the people (elements of philosophy, p. 97). The social reformers and philosophers who were the forces behind utilitarianism believed religion was too rigid and curtailed peopleââ¬â¢s freedoms effectively denying them happiness. They alleged that blanket belief in God and the following abstract moral rules set by rel igion was not right (elements of philosophy, p 98). In effect, they advocated for the prevalence of the free will of human beings in pursuit of happiness. Utilitarianism thinking can be applied on numerous controversial issues that affect human beings on everyday life. The controversy stems from the conservative approach that has informed the beliefs that govern such issues. The include drug abuse like marijuana smoking, homosexuality and treatment of non-human animals. In business, some business ethics can be analyzed through utilitarianism and stockholder and stakeholder analysis (Cosans, 2009, p. 391). The theories advanced by Freeman and Friedman can be jointly analyzed especially when utilitarianism is concerned in making profits and treating company stakeholders (Moylan, 2005, p. 33). Case study Homosexual employee Homosexuality remains a controversial topic in western societies. Religion, politics, and social life have different looks on the issue. Unfortunately, the attitude s towards homosexuality have trickled through to the corporate world where homosexuals may be treated according to the ideology that governs the particular corporation or industry. The analysis of the case will be done on two levels, utilitarianism/stockholder analysis, and stakeholder analysis. Human habits greatly determine the success of the endeavors they engage (Covey, 2004, p. 20). Similarly, the habits of employees affect the success of business firms. Utilitarianism/Stockholder Analysis Managers are not owners of businesses, stockholders are. Managers act on behalf of the stockholders and sometimes stakeholders to help the business generate revenue (Friedman, 1979, p. 309).Advertising Looking for term paper on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Though employees have individual freedoms, issues like sexual orientation may easily attract unnecessary attention that adversely affect business. Johnââ¬â¢s case is unique. He is an accomplished middle level manager who also is gay. Before a business decision is made, it is important to consider the utilitarian approach to this issue as well as the interests of stockholders. According to prevalent culture, homosexuality is not permissible as itââ¬â¢s is unnatural. The conservative environment that the business operates does not make things easier. Furthermore, the law prohibits such practices in the state. According to tradition and religious teaching, what john dopes is unacceptable. According to utilitarianism, John has not committed any wrongdoing. He is simply pursuing his happiness and his actions have not so far affected anybody including his job. According to Mill (1859) as quoted in (elements of philosophy, p. 101), utilitarianism will approach Johnââ¬â¢s situation b asking what alternatives are available to him. Being heterosexual cannot make John happy which limits his sources of happiness. In the contemplation of firing John, one will consider the morality of homosexuality, which is the case in point. According to Bentham as quoted in (elements of philosophy 1967, p. 100), the religious believes that the people around the companyââ¬â¢s operation have embodied do not make sense when looked at critically. It is not fair for their religious beliefs to condemn homosexuality while that is the only way of life that John feels happy to follow. Though Johnââ¬â¢s actions are not morally upright according g to the prevailing opinions, his way of life makes him happy and that is what matters. Utilitarianism will protect John based on the three most tenets that informs it. Johnââ¬â¢s actions are to be judged to be right or wrong based on their consequences. On this front, there are no proven negative consequences of Johnââ¬â¢s actions so far. However, there may be backlash form some sections of the client base towards the company for retaining a gay employee. Nevertheless, firing John may still fail to p ersuade some of the clients who may think the company knew all along but hid it from them. Firing therefore will not solve the problem. Utilitarianism also believes that consequences of an action like Johnââ¬â¢s homosexuality should be judged on the amount of happiness or unhappiness that itââ¬â¢s has created (elements of philosophy p. 109). Johnââ¬â¢s actions are likely to make some people unhappy, but personally, he is happy and that is what counts. Besides, firing him may not make colleagues and stockholders happy which gives the manager less reasons to fire him. Finally, utilitarianism believes that each personââ¬â¢s happiness counts the same (elements of philosophy, p. 109). In this case, the happiness of the customers and that of John count the same. For that reason, he should retain his job.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Utilitarian Analysis and Stakeholder Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other hand, the stockholders who own the company are in pursuit of profits and anything that acts contrary to that is a derailment. Freeman (1984, p. 409) says that stockholders must be granted certain rights and privileges and rights by the management since they are the owners of the firm. Freeman further argues that management should always aim at reinforcing the primacy of stockholders. Since the main objective of stockholders is to make profits, any action therefore that will adversely affect the operations of the company will be in contravention of stockholder interests. John is a priced asset of the company. He has experience, has helped close lucrative deals for the company besides blending well with everybody in the work environment. The company stands to lose all the above plus possible negative effects on the rest of the workforce. Stakeholder Analysis Freeman defines stakeholders as those groups that can lay a stake in the firm or business. They includ e employees, customers, suppliers, and the local community that surrounds them (Freeman, 1984, p. 410). According to Freeman, each of the above groups has a right to be treated importantly because they in one way or the other help the in achieving success of the company. According to Beth (2005), the actions that a company takes in regards to stakeholders is somehow influenced by the companyââ¬â¢s corporate social responsibility policy (p. 56). In this case, the employees of the company, John being one of them, the local community that is overly conservative, the suppliers and the stockholders are important in their own ways. its important to note that the main point of this stakeholder analysis will be examine to whose ultimate interest the management of the firm will be carried out. Though the role of stockholders in determining the direction of the firm has been constrained lately, the interests and roles of customers, employees, and local community are still subordinate to th ose of the stockholders (Freeman, 1984, p. 410). The local community may be disgruntled over the companyââ¬â¢s decision to retain a gay employee but stockholder interest superseded their views and that may help John retain his job. According to Bowie Hogue (2005, p. 90), the survival of the company is determined the stakeholders. They can be divided into two groups. Those that determine the survival of the company, and, those that whose actions and those of the corporation affect each other (Freeman, 1984, p. 415).Advertising Looking for term paper on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The owners who own the company through stocks and bonds are the main financial backers of the firm. Their interest must therefore be catered for since the operations of the firm can easily ground to a halt. Employees on their part are the owners of skills and the stockholders compensate them for their skills. According to Freeman the stockholders are supposed to cater for the welfare of the employees by taking them through the most difficult times (1984, p. 411). In this case, the stockholders are expected to stand firm with John especially considering his productivity. Suppliers help the firm in supplying with raw materials in whatever sense that help it producing products. The most important of all stakeholders according to Freeman, are the customers. These same people comprise of the local community that in this case is very conservative. Freeman further says that the customers are the lifeblood f the firm (1984, p. 412). Before John is fired, its important for the manager to con sider who the most important of these groups is. Stockholders and customers come first. Employees with the same skills and suppliers with same quality materials can easily be replaced (Bowie Hogue, 2005, p. 86). Retaining John is likely to drive away a significant portion of the clientele away. The stakeholders may not risk such a move. Though the employees like John are important, the cost of losing one experienced employee is less compared to losing a significant portion of the client base. Conclusion As a manager, its will be a painful decision to fire John but when looked at from the stakeholdersââ¬â¢ point of views, it will be necessary to safeguard the interests of the company. Additionally, the manager would not have committed any gross violation of the laws of the state. References Beth, K. J. G. (2005). Corporate Social Responsibility as Risk Management: A Model for Multinationals. Cambridge: Harvard University: John F. Kennedy School of Government. Bowie, E, N. Hogue, P. (2005). Management ethics, Volume 5 of Foundations of business ethics. New York: Blackwell Pub. Cosans, C. (2009). Does Milton Friedman Support a Vigorous Business Ethics? Journal of Business Ethics, 391-399. Covey, R. S. (2004). Seven habits of highly effective people personal workbook. New York: Fireside. Elements of Philosophy: ( N.D) Freeman, R. E. (1984). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. New York: Pitman Publishing. Friedman, M. (1979). Greed. New York: Pitman Publishers. Moylan, W. (2005). Ethics in Construction Bidding: Considering the ââ¬Å"Friedmanâ⬠vs. the ââ¬Å"Freemanâ⬠view. Nait Selected Papers, 32-36. This term paper on Utilitarian Analysis and Stakeholder Analysis was written and submitted by user Alma Burris to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Devil in Massachusetts by Marion Starkey Essay Example For Students
The Devil in Massachusetts by Marion Starkey Essay Hale, meanwhile, is undergoing an internal crisis. He clearly enjoyed being called to Salem because it made him feel like an expert. His pleasure in the trials comes from his privileged position of authority with respect to defining the guilty and the innocent. However, his surprise at hearing of Rebeccas arrest and the warrant for Elizabeths arrest reveals that Hale is no longer in control of the proceedings. Power has passed into the hands of others, and as the craze spreads, Hale begins to doubt its essential justice. The revelation of Reverend Parriss greed over money and material goods that he, as a priest should have given up any thought of, must of come as another shock to him. John told him about the gold candlesticks, for twenty week he preach nothing but golden candlesticks. The golden candlesticks have not been mentioned before in the book but there are other occasions which show his greed. It also comes as another shock to him to find out that everything Abigail has envisioned was all a fai ade. John tells him, Mr Parris discovered them sportin in the woods. We will write a custom essay on The Devil in Massachusetts by Marion Starkey specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now They were startled and took sick. Hale was obviously deeply shocked, and the audience would notice it too as if you look down the page youll see it says: (His eyes wide): Abigail Williams told you it had naught to do with witchcraft! If the actor of Hale is a good one, he will show the audience how shocked he is to find out his new piece of information through his facial expression and his tone of voice. This scene is the turning point in the book this is when John decides to show his fury upon the court of justice, like an ocean falling upon the rocks is how he will fall upon the court. Hale realises what really is going on in the village of Salem is not witchcraft but Vengeance. John sees how much of a manipulative bitch Abigail can really be. This is the scene where everything takes a nosedive into the pit of Gehenna. Hale summed it up earlier when he said on page 58 If Rebecca Nurse be tainted, then nothings left to stop the whole green world from burning. Hales meaning was that if Rebecca was convicted of being a witch then nothing in the world would stop hell taking over earth.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
5 big mistakes Googles head of HR sees on resumes
5 big mistakes Googles head of HR sees on resumes Itââ¬â¢s a real truism in life: We often learn best from mistakes- both our mistakes and those that others have made. Humans are creatures of ââ¬Å"trial and errorâ⬠- we bravely take risks and try out new things. Sometimes we meet success; other times we hit unexpected obstacles and find failure. This tendency to make mistakes impacts all facets of life- including our search for a new job. Talk with any HR professional or hiring manager and ask them if they have any stories of folks who have absolutely fumbled the opportunity to get a new job, and chances are youââ¬â¢ll hear a bunch of them. Some are funny, others odd, and some will be downright sad but theyââ¬â¢ll all have something in common- the person likely made a bad choice or neglected to do something they should have, and it wound up wrecking their chances for success.The unfortunate truth is that some people make mistakes at the very beginning of the job hunt- on their resumes- and take themselves out of conte ntion before even getting started. It happens more than you realize, and in countless ways!In fact, resume gaffes are such a pervasive problem that Laszlo Bock, former Senior Vice President of People Operations at Google, wrote a LinkedIn article about it, entitled ââ¬Å"The Biggest Mistakes I see on Resumes and How to Correct Them.â⬠Bock estimates that heââ¬â¢s personally reviewed over 20,000 resumes, so he certainly knows what heââ¬â¢s talking about.Letââ¬â¢s take a look at what he says are five of the biggest mistakes that heââ¬â¢s seen on resumes so you can avoid them on your job hunt.1. Bad formattingWhen it comes to foolish resume formatting Bock has seen it all, from wildly ââ¬Å"creativeâ⬠designs and outlandish fonts to splashes of color and crazy margins, all done in an effort to try and stand out from other resumes and grab the readerââ¬â¢s attention. Unfortunately- what you may earn in attention grabbing could cost you in another key area- eff ectively, clearly, and professionally conveying your background, experience, and skill set.Artistic bells and whistles simply donââ¬â¢t work on resumes. A clean, legible, and professional looking document is what works best. If you want to be taken seriously in the job market, save the creativity for your next arts and crafts project.2. Careless typosItââ¬â¢s a real shame that such an avoidable problem like resume typos is such a pervasive issue, but Bock reports that a surprisingly high percentage of the resumes heââ¬â¢s reviewed, for positions at all levels, contain pesky typos. And good luck being taken seriously during the job hiring process if the first impression you make is someone who canââ¬â¢t be bothered to put in the extra effort to get such an important document correct. Typos are absolute resume killers, so be completely sure that yours is error free and in perfect shape before sending it out.3. Excessive lengthThis is a trickier problem, because the longer youââ¬â¢re in the job market the more things youââ¬â¢ll have to say about yourself. However if your document reads more like a novel then a resume, chances are itââ¬â¢ll either get ignored or glossed over and key parts will get overlooked. Bock has a great rule of thumb for resume length- 1 page for every 10 years of experience. Do your best to stick to this guideline, and remember that youââ¬â¢ll have an opportunity to say more about yourself on interviews- if you make it that far.4. Leaking confidential informationThis doesnââ¬â¢t happen very often, but when it does it raises big red flags. If youââ¬â¢ve worked with a company that handles sensitive information or have had jobs with which youââ¬â¢ve had confidentiality agreements, be very careful about what you put on your resume. If you cross the line and the hiring manager figures it out, your chances of moving to the next stage of the hiring process are slim to none.5. LiesHopefully this oneââ¬â¢s obvious ! Despite what you may have heard, there are no such things as ââ¬Å"good liesâ⬠when it comes to your resume. If you get caught making something up on your resume, thereââ¬â¢s just no way to explain it away or cover up for it. Your chances of getting a job with a resume built on lies- no matter how small or insignificant- are effectively obliterated. Even if you wind up getting the job, if your lie is figured out sometime later you could even lose your job. Bottom line- lying is just not a good way to search for your next job.There you have it: Five of the biggest resume mistakes according to a real industry veteran and insider. Make sure youââ¬â¢re not committing any of these gaffes before you send out your next resume, and youââ¬â¢ll be one step ahead of the job-hunting crowd.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Human Growth Journal Entries
Human Growth Journal Entries Gender Role Socialization The construction of roles based on oneââ¬â¢s sex through socialization in the family setting has shaped up the understanding of gender in the society (Else-Quest et al. 947). Gender socialization concerns the process through which children of varying sexes acquire the norms and customs that portray their gender roles (Berns 49).Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Human Growth Journal Entries specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this case, interviewing a parent on the activities that demonstrate the socialization of gender roles in their children would provide valid insights into understanding human growth and development. Evidently, from the interview, parents play various roles that influence the child in a manner that inculcates the roles expected of their sex. Parents, in their caregiving roles, expose children to what it implies to be a boy or a girl early in their life. The differen t treatment experienced by boys and girls from their parents has a significant impact on gender socialization at a very young age. For instance, differentiated dressing according to gender particular colors introduces children to their gender roles. Further, parents influence childrenââ¬â¢s internalization of messages pertaining role differences early in their life thereby they generate stereotypes at a young age. In this case, for instance, children understand that men have an edge in negotiating compared to women and thus, start stereotyping the two sexes. Further, participating in sex-type games like housekeeping and doll playing fosters gender socialization. The aspects of femininity and masculinity instilled through gender socialization influence the educational outcomes of both boys and girls. Overall, boys achieve better results in the natural sciences as compared to girls while the latter excels in arts and social sciences. Therefore, the influence of the parent that inst ills a sense of stereotype in children affects their educational performance and career choices later in life as boys pursue the technical and natural sciences while girls prefer the humanities career path. Peer Influence The school setting provides a thriving environment for peer influence as children between the age of 6 and 11 years seek to establish a sense of identity (Stewart 182). Particularly, observing school-going boys in their peer groups demonstrate aspects of development in their cognitive, physical, social, emotional, and language use aspects of growth. In this concern, the behaviors depicted in their interactions uncover the level through which they influence each otherââ¬â¢s undertakings thereby affecting their academic performance. Notably, the children relied on each other more as compared to their parents, thus demonstrating their confidence. Additionally, the boys know what tallies as ââ¬Å"appropriateâ⬠for them as they mostly interacted with fellows of the same sex and played games considered boyish.Advertising Looking for assessment on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Further, the boysââ¬â¢ self-esteem is influenced by the perceptions of their peers about them thereby determines their behavior and attitude in the school setting. Additionally, peer influence determines the childââ¬â¢s perceptions regarding ethical behavior and moral understanding. As such, the rebellious and conforming behaviors portrayed by the boys reveals their approach to ethics and authority. Instructors should consider the impacts of peer influence among school-aged children to tailor the curricula in a way that facilitates their steady growth and development. In this case, the teacher could plan the lesson with the aim of inculcating the essence of upholding ethical behavior as children interact with their peers. Further, engaging the peers in group assignments would also e nhance their cognitive development collectively thereby boost their educational performance. Moreover, upholding the significance of inclusion in the learning activities of children would further foster their academic success. Challenges in Adolescence The adolescence phase of an individualââ¬â¢s process of growth and development presents various challenges that could affect them considerably. The onset of adolescence subjects teens to changes that pose adjustment difficulties, and thus they struggle with the unfamiliar issues occurring to them (Garcia 168). The interview with the adolescent revealed that they experience stress from family life, the school setting, to the global social issues. As such, the stressors required the consideration of various coping strategies that would facilitate the restoration of emotional equilibrium amid the inevitability of the changes. The adolescent interviewee identified the school, family members, and friends as the key stressors challenging them. Mainly, the increasing pressure pertaining academic excellence, conflict with siblings and parents, peer pressure, and problems associated with romantic relationships affected them significantly. In response to counter the stressors, adolescents embrace adaptive mechanisms of coping that include emotion- and problem-focused approaches. The emotion-centered coping strategies entailed relaxation, seeking distractions, helplessness, withdrawal, and escape. Moreover, the adolescent embraced the problem-centered aspects of coping including seeking support and solving problems.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Human Growth Journal Entries specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Comparing the intervieweeââ¬â¢s experiences to my own during adolescence, I could identify some similarities with respect to the stressors and coping mechanisms. Specifically, I experienced more stress from the school setting as pressure for academic success piled up and the issues associated with romantic relationships. The support offered by my older brother reduced the stress emanating from the family setting and thus, helped me to cope with the academic and romantic relationship stressors. In this regard, the environment plays a significant role in determining an adolescentââ¬â¢s stressors and coping mechanisms as seen in the comparison between the intervieweeââ¬â¢s and my experiences during the transition. Employment Caregiving Balance Striking a balance between employment commitments and caregiving has been challenging thereby influencing the growth and development course of the child besides causing stress to the parent (Hilbrecht et al. 460). Since upholding quality parenting holds relevance, career demands could jeopardize the successful development of the childââ¬â¢s emotional, cognitive, physical, and social life aspects of growth. Creating adequate time for realizing equilibrium in handling the emp loyment and caregiving obligations posed a great challenge as per the intervieweeââ¬â¢s situation. In this concern, the working caregiver needs to develop strategies that would create time for the fulfillment of their caregiving obligations (McPherson et al. 194). The interviewee said that she would talk to the Human Resources manager in a bid to make them understand her situation and options. Therefore, altering the working hours allowed her to attend to her parenting responsibilities in the mornings as she reported to work in the afternoon or evening schedules. Further, she could also take leave to achieve a balance between employment and caregiving duties. Full-time employment endeavors of the caregiver before the first birthday of the child could affect their development to a significant degree. As such, poor caregiving patterns subject children to weak cognitive development thereby undermine their intellectual capabilities, thus undesirable performance at school. Additionall y, poor parenting due to employment commitments could induce behavioral problems in the children resulting in unethical practices at school thereby affecting their academic achievement negatively.Advertising Looking for assessment on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, when the caregiver engages in full-time work commitments when the child is still an infant, a period considered crucial for emotional attachment and cognitive growth, the likelihood of the child performing poorly in academics heightens. Berns, Roberta. Child, Family, School, Community: Socialization and Support, Scarborough: Nelson Education, 2012. Print. Else-Quest, Nicole, Ashley Higgins, Carlie Allison, and Lindsay Morton. Gender Differences in Self-Conscious Emotional Experience: A Meta-Analysis. Psychological bulletin 138.5 (2012): 947-54. Print. Garcia, Carolyn. Conceptualization and Measurement of Coping during Adolescence: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 42.2 (2010): 166-185. Print. Hilbrecht, Margo, Susan Shaw, Laura Johnson, and Jean Andrey. ââ¬ËIm Home for the Kidsââ¬â¢: Contradictory Implications for Workââ¬âLife Balance of Teleworking Mothers. Gender, Work Organization 15.5 (2008): 454-476. Print. McPherson, Christine, K eith Wilson, Livia Chyurlia, and Charles Lecrerc. The Balance of Give And Take in Caregiverââ¬âPartner Relationships: An Examination of Self-Perceived Burden, Relationship Equity, and Quality Of Life from the Perspective of Care Recipients Following Stroke. Rehabilitation Psychology 55.2 (2010): 194-198. Print. Stewart, Endya. School Structural Characteristics, Student Effort, Peer Associations, and Parental Involvement the Influence of School-and Individual-Level Factors on Academic Achievement. Education and Urban Society 40.2 (2008): 179-204. Print.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Contract Law essays
Contract Law essays England's contract law is consisted of several laws and they can not be written or at least explained in a student's assignment, which is consisted of 1000 words. Despite that I will try to outline the main points of the contact law and explain briefly what each means. On the second point I will explain the little difference between the English contact law with the equivalent contract law of my home country which is Cyprus. I wrote "little differences " because, Cyprus is following the English system concerning laws. There are three basic essentials to the creation of contract which will be recognised and enforced by the courts. These are: contractual intention, agreement and consideration. This is an expression of willingness to contract made with the intention (actual or apparent) that it shall become binding on the offeror as soon as the person to whom it is addressed accepts it. An offer can be made to one person or a group of persons or to the world at large. The offeror is bound to fulfil the terms of his offer once it is accepted. The offer may be made in writing, by words or conduct. Unilateral - some offers are purely one sided, made without the offeror's having any idea whether they will ever be taken up and accepted, and thereby be transformed into a contract. For example when an advertisement where a person is rewarding another one if he finds his pet (which was lost). In this case the person who is making such an offer is not sure whether this offer will be ever accepted. Bilateral - The majority of offers are Bilateral. While it is not always true, most people make an offer to one named offeree or a small group of parties. Most contracts are made with both parties present on a face-to-face basis. An invitation to treat made by one party to another is not an offer. An invitation to treat is made at a preliminary stage in the making of an agreement, where one party seeks to ascertain whether the other would b...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Shyness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Shyness - Essay Example Shyness reactions can occur at any or all of the following levels: cognitive, affective, physiological and behavioral, and may be triggered by a wide variety of arousal cues. Among the most typical are: authorities, one-on-one opposite sex interactions, intimacy, strangers, having to take individuating action in a group setting, and initiating social actions in unstructured, spontaneous behavioral settings. Metaphorically, shyness is a shrinking back from life that weakens the bonds of human connection. The percentage of adults in the United States reporting that they are chronically shy, such that it presents a problem in their lives, had been reported at 40%, plus or minus 3%, since the early 1970's. Recent research indicates that the percentage of self-reported shyness has escalated gradually in the last decade to nearly 50% (48.7% + /- 2%). The National Co-morbidity Survey in 1994 revealed a lifetime prevalence of social phobia of 13.3%, making it the third most prevalent psychiatric disorder. (Encyclopedia of Mental Health, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, SHYNESS, Lynne Henderson The Shyness Clinic, Portola Valley, California, Phillip Zimbardo, Stanford University, Stanford, California). In humans, shyness is the feeling of apprehension or lack of confidence experienced in regard to social association with others, e.g. being in proximity to, approaching and being approached by others. In zoology, shy generally means "tends to avoid human beings". Adolescence can be a challengin g time with youth experiencing biological, psychological, and social changes. Both normative stressors (such as moving from middle school to high school), as well as non-normative stressors (such as parental divorce) have been linked to an increased risk of such internalizing behaviors as depression and anxiety. The first thing to understand about shyness is that neither is it a symptom of cowardice or inferiority. Shyness has nothing to do with cowardice or inferiority, so no one should make the association, either consciously or unconsciously. As a part of the growing or adolescence comes the necessity of "showing performance", often this competition or the need to prove one's self starts at home among the siblings. If a boy of 13 to 16 years of age is very shy in nature and finds a problem in interacting with people as any other physically and mentally normal boy of his age would do with ease, a peep into his family frequently exposes a very dominating elder sibling. Other than t he sibling often very dominating, criticizing, discouraging and strict parental behavior also contributes immensely in forcing the child to withdraw and eventually become shy and afraid. As a result of this stress and of the fear of being judged and criticized, often the person is unable to unearth his/her own capabilities; they deprive themselves of the chance of doing something worthy. Even though they have the potential they lack the confidence to pull a job efficiently, they themselves become their worst critics. One of the most common and prominent reason among the others that lead adolescents to become shy and introvert, is the inhuman experience of any sort of physical and/or sexual abuse during their childhood. In their childhood children are often prey to these
Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Globalisation - Essay Example Even while imposing ethical values on other cultures, globalization leaders should be careful not to hurt the regional feelings. Mollifying the jihad enthusiasts had been impossible till now. Future cultural uniformity is threatening the uniqueness of their regions and religions. Here Globalisation is seen as a threat to their very integrity and habitat. As the famous dictum goes ââ¬Å"men who got the same things, shared the same culture;â⬠Naturally it depends on the inherent economics and consumption similarities. Modernity threatens with its underlying uniformity. Expansion of western civilization is always combined with the dominance of western culture and this is not always palatable to other cultures. Old World has cultural diversities, differences of every kind. Rarities and peculiarities of regions are fast diminishing under globalization. ââ¬Å"In short, new economic geographies are in the making: economic geographies that are global in their reach, changes that produ ce competition on a global scale and that reflect new conditions of production,â⬠according to Cox p.2. It is believed homogeneity will over-last the differentiation. Todayââ¬â¢s issues are mainly McDonald hamburger, cola world and its clash with the local cultures. The clash will continue between local and international in every sphere of life and it will go on till locally becomes international and international is accepted as local. Globalization cannot be termed as a homogenizing force, but it could be used as a tool towards that end.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Homeland Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5
Homeland Security - Essay Example Precisely thirty days after the attack, a legislation was introduced by Sen. Arlen Specter and Sen. Joe Lieberman to form the Department Of Homeland Security (May, Jochim & Sapotichne, 2011).. The suggestion was, however, rejected by the Bush administration. Despite this rejection, members of the Senate went on pressing it. Fortunately, after a period of about nine months, President Bush considered reversing his stand (May, Jochim & Sapotichne, 2011). This occurred in June 2002. The homeland security act was passed, advocated for pulling together different federal agencies as well as offices to establish the current newly formed Department Of Homeland Security. This department is led by Tom Ridge, its first secretary (May, Jochim & Sapotichne, 2011). This body has significantly focused on federal measures to manage terrorism while striving to deal with other duties like border security, emergency and customs management. The Department Of Homeland Security has several agencies that serve different purposes all aimed at ensuring safety and security in the United States. The first agency is the United States Customs and Border Protection. This organization is concerned with preventing counterfeit and foreign pirated goods from being imported into the U.S (May, Jochim & Sapotichne, 2011). Once any company has registered its copyright or trademark, it is required to record the registration with the Customs and Border Protection. The agency also prevents terrorist weapons from entering the nation (May, Jochim & Sapotichne, 2011). It also serves to ensure security of United States at the ports of entry and Americaââ¬â¢s borders. The agency strives to maintain this defense even as it permit legitimate travel as well as trade that is pertinent to the nationââ¬â¢s economy. Particularly, the Customs and Border Protection agency is responsible for arresting individuals who attempt illegally to enter the United
Project Life Cycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Project Life Cycle - Essay Example During this stage a suitable response to the problem is documented in a business case alongside recommendations that detail solution alternatives. Feasibility study comes handy to examine if each alternative addresses objectives of the project before making the final recommendation. In the feasibility the team asks the question ââ¬Å"can we do the project?â⬠And in justification the question ââ¬Å"should we do the project?â⬠is asked. Planning is the next stage that serves to further develop the project solution. Here, the team makes a detail study of the work as it identifies the project steps and resource requirements and at the same time come up with a working strategy to help meet the set goals. To accomplish this, the team comes up with an outline of the tasks, activities, dependencies and timeframes. It is this point where the project manager develops the project budget to help control and monitor expenditure during implementation stage. Together all this is referred to as the scope management.The other important consideration is risk management, an aspect which looks into matters that pose possible threats to the whole process. Here, ââ¬Å"high-threatâ⬠potential problems are established along with the measures that are to be taken (Kanda, 2011). Finally, the project manager documents a quality plan; detailing on quality targets, control measures, and assurance alongside an acceptance plan. During this third stage, the project plan is set on motion to carry out the task of the project as the team monitors the progress and make necessary adjustments, which are also recorded as variations from the original plan. In addition, this stage involves reporting on progress through regular team meetings. The information gathered here helps to maintain control over the path taken by the project through analysis of activities performance when comparing the output to the project plan. . Status reports delivered in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Heart disease. Comprehensive Health History Paper Essay
Heart disease. Comprehensive Health History Paper - Essay Example The disease has subjected him to continuous medication and treatment services that are costly and time consuming (Esselstyn, 2007). The disease has also compromised his social, economic and psychological capacity. This has been affecting his self-ego and esteem. These are fundamental elements for effective human development. The patient has experienced heart failure on a single occasion in the year 2012. Consequently, David increased the dosage and vigor of medication. The patient has been taking Asprins, Beta-blockers and Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors designed for coronary heart failures and will continue until his status improves. David has also been subjected to continuous therapeutic nursing care services. It is highly likely that David will need such services for a lengthy period until the disease heals completely. Health status, support and perceived barriers Davidââ¬â¢s health status is currently improving due to the medical assistance available to him. His rampant chest discomfort has been reducing because he is not exposed to the potential risk factors. Consequently, his rapid pulse rate and prolonged breath complications that used to affect him have been treated using Calcium channel blockers (Esselstyn, 2007). Consequently, David can perform several tasks making him hopeful. This has enabled him to realize the power of friends and medical officials in his medication process. Various individuals including his friends, doctors and community members in the state have been treating him with care. These individuals are instrumental because they allow him to recuperate and ensure that necessary support is available. As noted, the friends and other concerned parties have been supporting him with material, spiritual and physical assistance. The incentives are to make him regain his potential and recuperate faster. However, various barrier s compromise the effectiveness of the initiatives. These barriers include lack of adequate resources, poor diet and effective prevention of preventing atherosclerosis Chief complaint (CC) and History of present illness (HPI) The Chief Complain during the time of the interview included chest pain compounded with the shortness of breath. It is crucial to highlight that David has been taking Asprins to address the chest pain. However, the shortness of breath has not been fully addressed. David attributes his illness to high blood pressure, tobacco smoking, atherosclerosis and high cholesterol levels. Indeed, atherosclerosis is the leading cause that attack individuals from childhood (Gregson, 2001). The disease hides in the body cells and pronounces itself at maturity stage. This high risk factor is what exposed David to coronary complications at his age. Its
As people grow older, they need to renegotiate their sense of identity and belonging Essay Example for Free
As people grow older, they need to renegotiate their sense of identity and belonging Essay Everyone has struggled with their identity and belonging during a chapter of their life. There comes a time when our opinions and beliefs begin to differentiate from those around us. During this time, some people may discover where they belong, whereas many others do not. It is not solely one stage of our lives when we are confronted with an identity crisis, but a continuous challenge throughout our lives as we encounter new experiences that will alter our thoughts, emotions and perspective on ourselves. Most of us are following the ââ¬Å"normsâ⬠, society expectations but deep down inside, we desire for freedom. Society only gives us a narrow time, a ââ¬Å"windowâ⬠, between school and marriage to be whomever we want without the judgement of society. This window is the only time that we can have a â⬠good timeâ⬠like getting drunk, travel, stay out late, do silly things yet nobody would criticise. However, since the window is pretty narrow, many people tends to stretch it so they can fully enjoy themselves. For school-leavers like us, we would like to taste that sense of freedom as soon as possible and as long as possible. Not many of us would actually thinking about settling down at this moment since we are young. Out there in the world, many interesting new things are inviting us to try and take on the challenges. We are like Bubba, young and energetic, new to the world and society doesnââ¬â¢t expect much of us yet. However, human beings are not eternally immutable, we change ourselves, our identity and sense of belonging gradually. Thereââ¬â¢s certainly a time when we feel so lonely, distanced and disconnected even though thereââ¬â¢s a crowd of people around, people that we know. Thatââ¬â¢s when we should think to ourselves, who am I really and where do I belong? After enjoying freedom for so long, we could be bored and lost because we are living without a purpose, a plan for the future. We would begin to yearn for a lifelong companionship, fulltime commitment from someone, we canââ¬â¢t stand being alone for the rest of our lives in some vague, unstable relationships that can break at any moment. We need something new and more exciting than what we already experienced. A solitary is an unfulfilling life to us, we want love, affections and devotion so that our lives can be fulfilled. As we grow older, we would stop being immature, selfish and solo as part of our ââ¬Å"growing upâ⬠. Though we would like to stretch our ââ¬Å"windowâ⬠, society does expect us to grow after certain age. We are expected to reproduce ourselves by having a family, taking up the responsibilities, pass on our beliefs to the younger generation. Reproduction is that we can start all over again, thatââ¬â¢s why life is a cycle, repetitively, and many would follow. In each and every one of us, the biological urge or clock would start to alarm as we grow older. Desire for a family with children would naturally come for most people, then they would seek to settle down. Nancy had enough of the lay-off, after sixteen years without any assurance, she had renegotiated with herself to discontinue. She wanted to have a family, a stable relationship, since Barney couldnââ¬â¢t give her that, she left and married to start a family life. She was not young any more but it was not too late, at least she realised that the lay-off wasnââ¬â¢t working for her and she found a solution that she was comfortable with. However, thereââ¬â¢re a few people who think differently. They are afraid of losing their freedom as they are lost in their own fantasy that they are young and free forever. Marriage certainly limits oneââ¬â¢s freedom that to some people, itââ¬â¢s a chain, an imprisonment for life that they donââ¬â¢t ever want to be bind in. They love their liberty even though they are aging, they donââ¬â¢t have a slight idea of changing their lifestyle. They donââ¬â¢t want to grow up even if they are growing old. In societyââ¬â¢s eye, they are the odd ones, the ones that defy the ââ¬Å"normsâ⬠, the bad omens. Olive is the representative of these people, she detest matrimony and any permanent attachment. However, she ignored reality of her aging and the repetitive of the lay-off was wearing everybody out. The freshness, excitements and funs were gone long ago but she turned a blind eye to it, believing it would last forever. Only if she renegotiate with herself earlier, reality wouldnââ¬â¢t struck her as hard and she would understand why Roo proposed to her. At some point in life, we must reconsider of our sense of identity and belonging so that its suit our situations. We are not ever-changing but we canââ¬â¢t be the same forever, we need to change gradually to adapt to the changing world just like how the Earth revolves around the sun. It spins but we donââ¬â¢t feel it. People change overtime but we donââ¬â¢t really see unless itââ¬â¢s a dramatic change. As we grow older, we encounter more crises which influence our sense of identity and belonging. We would be wiser than before as we learn from our mistakes.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Importance of Solar Energy Essay
Importance of Solar Energy Essay Solar energy is the nature available source of energy; it is continuous providing by the Sun. It is the most important of non-conventional sources of energy therefore it is one of the non-polluting energy and helps in less the greenhouse effect. The method as solar panels absorb energy from sun to gain heat for water heating. Similarly as we use the energy of the sun to dry our clothes. Such systems are readily available in the market and are being used in worldwide factories and homes. Solar water heaters are cost competitive in many applications when it take into account the total energy costs over the life of system. Although the initial cost of solar water heaters is higher than that of conventional water heaters. However, the fuel (i.e. sun) is safe, free and environmental friendly. To take advantage of these heaters, it must have an unshaded, south-facing location (e.g. roof or south-facing windows for externally mounted solar panels on building facade). In this coursework, different types of solar water heaters will be introduced, including application on different types of systems available with their economic and environmental benefits. Solar energy is the most nature inexhaustible renewable energy. To the worlds energy resources perspective, we have relied heavily on traditional energy stocks are already very limited storage capacity of the remaining oil can be used only forty-three years; natural gas storage capacity of the remainder can only be used Liushiernian Coal is the 200 à £Ã¢â¬Å¾ thirteen years, these stocks will be growing as people increasingly exhausted to do extraction. In addition, carbon dioxide emissions from conventional energy sources is the phenomenon of global warming caused by à £Ã¢â¬Å¾ major reason. Chinas response to the global Framework Convention on Climate Changes international responsibilities, set de 2020 renewable energy will estimate the total generating capacity of 12% of the long-term goal, and actively promote the development and application of renewable energy, reducing the use of traditional fossil fuels and to play a accessibility of renewable energy, while promoting domesti c energy diversification and the main nature. In the vast universe, and human relying on a star is to shine a recent four-color sun. The sun, it was a huge light and heat, all things on earth to bring vitality, it wasted no time in sending to the space with a lot of energy. It has been calculated, only issued for every wonderful energy, by about the equivalent of 1.3 quadrillion tons of coal combustion is emitted by all the heat. The sun sends to Earths energy is considerable, but only to its 22 billionth of outward radiation of energy, just from these energies, if the surface of the Earths atmosphere to remove the reflection and absorption of energy, it will really reach the Earth the surface of solar energy, approximately equal to the worlds current generation capacity of 20 million times. Solar energy received on Earth every day, equivalent to the entire world for one year the total energy consumed by 200 times. Only from these figures we can see a huge, really worthy of the suns energy is an inexhaustible treasure house of mankind. On the other hand, the earths variety of energy sources, including chemical energy, wind energy, ocean energy, thermal energy and nuclear energy are all descendants of solar energy, solar energy conversion made. Because photovoltaic clean noise-free and changing, as many renewable energy sources and development of the most characteristic items of energy. In building the use of renewable energy technologies are being widely studied and applied them. Renewable energy is a natural? Health and inexhaustible source of energy, which include (but are not limited to) solar, wind, tidal energy, wave energy, geothermal energy, hydropower and bio-energies. Each type of renewable energy has its own unique features, only the full understanding of these characteristics, we can effectively in our buildings in respect of use of these energy sources. Solar and wind are the most common renewable energy sources. Compared with other renewable energy sources, they are more likely to be collected and used in the building. Currently we collected solar energy can be grouped into three kinds of purposes: power generation, heating / cooling, and chemical processes. The first two applications have been applied in Hong Kong, and they are also among the most popular in building the application method, application examples include: the use of passive solar design to warming the room; the use of solar water heating system can heat water; use of solar PV systems can generate electricity and the joint power companys electricity supply systems that supply the building. The wind can be? Buildings to provide natural ventilation, or to generate electricity. These application methods are not on the environment pollution.
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